ULB Langues, in collaboration with ASBL F9 Languages in Brussels, offers free language support courses in French as a Foreign Language (Français Langue Étrangère/FLE), English and Dutch to ULB students. However, during the summer, these courses become fee based.
ULB Langues - French as a Foreign Language
Course details :
• Duration: 60-hour course
• Credits: No ECTS
• Cost: Free for ULB students
Here you can find the link to the course schedule for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Enrolment process :
1. Before 9 September: Ensure you have your ULBID and password. You will receive your ULBID by email after completing your ULB registration. If you haven’t received it yet, create your ULBID here.
2. 9 September 09:00 am to 10 September 23:55 pm: Complete the mandatory online level test via UV (Université Virtuelle). This test is compulsory for class placement.
3. From 11 September: Check your email for course acceptance notification. If you’re not placed in the 1st semester course, you can apply again for the 2nd semester.
Note: Spaces are limited; taking the test does not guarantee a spot. For assistance, email langues.FLE@ulb.be.
ULB Langues & F9 Languages in Brussels
Dutch and English Courses
At F9 Languages in Brussels, ULB students can participate in a 20-hour language module in Dutch or English, free of charge.
Here you can find the link to the course schedule for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Course details:
• Format:
o Intensive courses: One-week in-person or online sessions during holidays, Monday to Friday from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Fee-based unless you are registered for a language course during the academic year, in which case it is free of charge.
o Monthly sessions: During the academic year, two evenings per week for four weeks from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Available both online and in-person.
• Credits: No ECTS
• Cost: Free for ULB students.
Enrolment Process:
1. Prepare: Ensure you have your ULBID and password ready. You will receive your ULBID by email after completing your ULB registration. If you haven’t received it yet, create your ULBID here.
2. Register: go to UV, select the appropriate course (NL or EN), take the level test 'Déterminez votre niveau,' and enrol for the desired course 'Inscrivez-vous,' considering the schedule and location.
3. Confirmation: A week before the courses begin, check your email for the course acceptance notification. Please note, if fewer than 5 students register, the course will be cancelled.
Contact details: Location ULB Langues
Solbosch Campus, Blue area, Building P1, Level 1, Office P1.1.113
Phone+32 (0)2 650 20 08
Email address langues@ulb.be
For more general information, please visit this link.