Welcome to the practical information page for VUB students and guest students!
At Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), all students, including those enrolled in joint master’s degrees with Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), have equal access to a wide range of services and facilities. You will find essential information to help navigate academic and campus life at VUB on the following link: Practical Info for Students and a useful overview here.
Every student, including guest students, receives a VUB student card upon registration. This card grants access to various services and benefits across the campus, ensuring that all students can fully utilize the resources available.
IMPORTANT: As a VUB student in a joint degree program with ULB, you are primarily registered at VUB but will also be automatically enrolled as a guest student at ULB. As a ULB guest student, all official communications from ULB will be sent to your ULB email address, so check it also regularly for important messages and updates related to your VUB-ULB joint degree program!
Welcome to our vibrant academic community!